Holly Class

Holly class

Hello and a big welcome to Holly Class (Key Stage 1 - Years 1 and 2).

In Holly class, we aim to always try our best and to enjoy all areas of our learning! The adults in our class that help us to do this are Miss Martin and Mrs Smith (previously Miss Holmes).

During our two years in Holly Class, we build upon our learning from Cherry Class and prepare for our journey into Rowan Class. We have Holly Class student governor representatives, who have a responsibility to meet and make changes with the wider governing body team of children. At Christmas time, each year, we rehearse and perform the Nativity Performance alongside the Reception children from Cherry Class - this year we are performing Baarmy Bethlehem! We also really enjoy our regular trips, walking down the hill to Gooseberry Field Farm.

Our learning is hugely important to us and we are always working hard to do the very best that we can - whether that be in Maths and Literacy lessons or in other areas of the curriculum such as French or Music. We take pride in the learning that we are part of and develop a range of different ways to present our work such as written explanations, illustrated explanations and verbal presentations as a group or independently just to name a few. 

Currently, as a class we are reading Rapunzel by Bethan Woollvin - it is a fairytale with a twist! Our key question this term is "Would you rather be a hero or a villain?" Our key text has allowed to explore both the Hero and the Villain and has got us all thinking and reasoning about what we would choose and why.


Important reminders:-

- Home learning is given out on a Monday and needs to be returned to school on Friday

- Days to change your reading book are Monday, Wednesday and Friday

- You should be reading for around 20 minutes every evening

- P.E. sessions take place on a Friday (Come to school in your PE kit)