Special Educational Needs (SEND) at Pluckley
As a fully inclusive school we always seek to enhance our provision for children with a range of disabilities and learning difficulties; we work in liaison with other professionals to ensure children have access to specialist support, physical resources and expertise. most importantly we seek to work with parents and families to ensure full equal access to every aspect of learning.
Pluckley Church of England Primary School maintains an inclusive approach to education and we aim to provide equality of opportunity for all children. All children are valued, respected and welcomed to the school whatever their additional educational need. (This may mean a specific learning, physical, behavioural and emotional, communication and language or health need.) Gifted and talented , children who have English as an additional language and those on our pupil premium register are also recognised as having additional needs. There may also be stressful times such illness, bereavement and family breakdowns when families and children require support. We will support their learning and ensure they are fully included in all school activities.
We recognise that there are some pupils who may require additional resources or extra support at some time in their primary school life and we aim to cater for the needs of all pupils. Early identification of a child’s needs is made by close consultation with parents and pre-school settings from school entry. Individual pupils are monitored through teacher assessment, pupil progress meetings and provision mapping.
Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)
The school has a policy for Special Educational Needs (SEN) and follows the Code of Practice. When appropriate, referrals are made to specialist learning services and medical services. Any referral to an outside agency is undertaken with parental consent. Further details can be found in our SEND Local Offer and SEN policy.
The staff work in partnership with parents/carers and pupils and liaise with external agencies to build upon pupil’s strengths and develop the individual.
If you have any queries about Inclusion at Pluckley Church of England Primary School please contact our SENCo Mrs Thomson by e-mailing - office@pluckley-tkat.org and including FAO - SENCO in the subject line.